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I really liked this, but I ran into a number of bugs, and was unable to complete it for a Lumps Play. I wanted to let you know what I thought, though! If I remove the bugs and imagine it proper it is really great, but I couldn't progress past the library with the paintings because I couldn't get the codes to work anywhere and the narrator kept repeating himself and glitching over himself. I'm not sure if I keep messing up the progression somehow or what, but I thought it was really good apart from the issues. Keep making stuff! Cheers.


Thanks for the feedback, yeah the bugs are definitely there and since it was a game jam I did not have to much time to get em cleared up and its like either you hit the bugs or you dont haha, and I really have to say sorry for the bugs its like 1.7gb game and when you play it you most likely hit a bug  but its feedback like this that makes it better I really appreciate it! 


You know.. I didn't listen so.. I feel I deserve what happened. :)

PS For anyone watching, please consider subscribing for a copious amounts of indie games. 


Great video man! 


Thank you. Interesting experience. ;)